Resource | Method | Description |
---|---|---| | Getting list of available dictionaries in JSON. Getting list of available dictionaries in XML. | |{dictCode} | Getting single dictionary information in JSON. Getting single dictionary information in XML. | |{dictCode}/topics | Getting all topics in JSON Getting all topics in XML | |{dictCode}/topics/{thesaurusName} | Unused Unused | |{dictCode}/topics/{thesaurusName}/{topicId} | Getting topic information with subtopic and linked entries in JSON. Getting topic information with subtopic and linked entries in XML. | |{dictCode}/search | Getting first page of results in JSON. Getting first page of results in XML. | |{dictCode}/search/first | Getting first matching result in XML. Getting first matching result in JSON. | |{dictCode}/search/didyoumean | Getting all suggestions for the given word in JSON Getting all suggestions for the given word in XML | |{dictCode}/entries | Unused Unused | |{dictCode}/entries/{entryId} | Getting entry information with content in specified format in JSON. Getting entry information with content in specified format in XML. | |{dictCode}/entries/{entryId}/nearbyentries | Getting preceding and following entries of current entry in same dictionary in JSON. Getting preceding and following entries of current entry in same dictionary in XML. | |{dictCode}/entries/{entryId}/pronunciations | Getting all pronunciations of the selected entry in XML. Getting all pronunciations of the selected entry in JSON. | |{dictCode}/entries/{entryId}/relatedentries | Getting all linked entries in same or other dictionaries in JSON. Getting all linked entries in same or other dictionaries in XML. | |{dictCode}/wordoftheday | Getting full entry for Word of the day in JSON. Getting full entry for Word of the day in XML. | |{dictCode}/wordoftheday/preview | Getting short version for the Word of the day in JSON. Getting short version for the Word of the day in XML. | | | REST API documentation in XML format. | | | REST API documentation in HTML format. | | | Getting full entry for Word of the day in JSON. Getting full entry for Word of the day in XML. | | | Getting short version for the Word of the day in JSON. Getting short version for the Word of the day in XML. |
GET | httpGet() |
Getting list of available dictionaries in JSON.
application/json | [{ "dictionaryName": [STRING], "dictionaryCode": [STRING], "dictionaryUrl": [STRING] }] |
application/json | { "errorCode": [STRING], "errorMessage": [STRING] } |
GET | httpGetXml() |
Getting list of available dictionaries in XML.
application/xml | <dictionaries> <dictionary> <dictionaryCode>[STRING]</dictionaryCode> <dictionaryName>[STRING]</dictionaryName> <dictionaryUrl>[STRING]</dictionaryUrl> </dictionary> ... </dictionaries> |
application/xml | <error> <errorCode>[STRING]</errorCode> <errorMessage>[STRING]</errorMessage> </error> |
GET | httpGet() |
Getting single dictionary information in JSON.
dictCode | string | dictionary code find in dictionaries list |
application/json | {"errorCode":"InvalidDictionary", "errorMessage":"Dictionary '<dictionary code>' not found."} |
application/json | { "dictionaryName": [STRING], "dictionaryCode": [STRING], "dictionaryUrl": [STRING] } |
GET | httpGetXml() |
Getting single dictionary information in XML.
dictCode | string | dictionary code find in dictionaries list |
application/xml | <error> <errorCode>InvalidDictionary</errorCode> <errorMessage>Dictionary '[dictionary code]' not found.</errorMessage> </error> |
application/xml | <dictionary> <dictionaryCode>[STRING]</dictionaryCode> <dictionaryName>[STRING]</dictionaryName> <dictionaryUrl>[STRING]</dictionaryUrl> </dictionary> |
GET | httpGet() |
Getting topic information with subtopic and linked entries in JSON.
dictCode | string | dictionary code find in dictionaries list |
thesaurusName | string | the thesaurus name of the topic |
topicId | string | the id of the topic |
application/json | { "dictionaryCode": [STRING], "entries": [ENTRY ARRAY], "parentId": [STRING], "subTopics": [SUBTOPIC ARRAY], "topicId": [STRING], "topicLabel": [STRING], "topicUrl": [STRING] }. Subtopic structure: { "subTopicId": [STRING], "subTopicLabel": [STRING], "subTopicUrl": [STRING] }. Entry structure: { "entryId": [STRING], "entryLabel": [STRING], "entryUrl": [STRING] }. |
GET | httpGetXml() |
Getting topic information with subtopic and linked entries in XML.
dictCode | string | dictionary code find in dictionaries list |
thesaurusName | string | the thesaurus name of the topic |
topicId | string | the id of the topic |
application/json | <topic> <dictionaryCode>[STRING]</dictionaryCode> <entries>[ENTRY ARRAY]</entries> <parentId>[STRING]</parentId> <subTopics>[SUBTOPIC ARRAY]</subTopics> <topicId>[STRING]</topicId> <topicLabel>[STRING]</topicLabel> <topicUrl>[STRING]</topicUrl> </topic> . Entry structure: <entries> <entryId>[STRING]</entryId> <entryLabel>[STRING]</entryLabel> <entryUrl>[STRING]</entryUrl> </entries>. Subtopic structure: <subTopics> <subTopicId>[STRING]</subTopicId> <subTopicLabel>[STRING]</subTopicLabel> <subTopicUrl>[STRING]</subTopicUrl> </subTopics>. |
GET | httpGet() |
Getting first page of results in JSON.
dictCode | string | dictionary code find in dictionaries list |
q | string | Search terms |
pagesize | int | the number of results per page to return |
pageindex | int | the index of result page to return |
application/json | {"errorCode":"PageNotFound","errorMessage": "Selected page index not found" } |
application/json | { "dictionaryCode": [STRING], "results": [RESULT ARRAY] }. Result structure: { "entryLabel": [STRING], "entryUrl": [STRING], "entryId": [STRING] } |
application/json | {"errorCode":"InvalidParameter","errorMessage": "Page index is not a valid integer superior to 0" } or {"errorCode":"InvalidParameter","errorMessage": "Page size is not a valid integer between 1 and 100"} |
GET | httpGetXml() |
Getting first page of results in XML.
dictCode | string | dictionary code find in dictionaries list |
q | string | Search terms |
pagesize | int | the number of results per page to return |
pageindex | int | the index of result page to return |
application/xml | <error><errorCode>PageNotFound</errorCode><errorMessage>Selected page index not found</errorMessage></error> |
application/xml | <search> <dictionaryCode>[STRING]</dictionaryCode> <results>[RESULT ARRAY]</results> </search>. Result structure: <entry> <entryLabel>[STRING]</entryLabel> <entryUrl>[STRING]</entryUrl> <entryId>[STRING]</entryId> </entry> |
application/xml | <error><errorCode>InvalidParameter</errorCode><errorMessage>Page index is not a valid integer superior to 0</errorMessage></error> or <error><errorCode>InvalidParameter< /errorCode><errorMessage>Page size is not a valid integer between 1 and 100</errorMessage></error> or <error> <errorCode>EmptyQuery</errorCode> <errorMessage>search term is not specified</errorMessage> </error> |
GET | httpGetSearchFirstXml() |
Getting first matching result in XML.
dictCode | string | dictionary code find in dictionaries list |
q | string | Search terms |
format | string | can be "html" or "xml" (defaults is "html"). |
application/xml | <entry> <dictionaryCode>[STRING]</dictionaryCode> <entryContent>[STRING]</entryContent> <entryId>[STRING]</entryId> <entryLabel>[STRING]</entryLabel> <entryUrl>[STRING]</entryUrl> <format>[STRING]</format> <topics>[TOPICS]</topics> </entry>. Topic structure: <topic> <topicId>[STRING]</topicId> <topicLabel>[STRING]</topicLabel> <topicParentId>[STRING]</topicParentId> <topicUrl>[STRING]</topicUrl></topic> |
application/xml | <error> <errorCode>EmptyQuery</errorCode> <errorMessage>search term is not specified</errorMessage> </error> |
GET | httpGetSearchFirst() |
Getting first matching result in JSON.
dictCode | string | dictionary code find in dictionaries list |
q | string | Search terms |
format | string | can be "html" or "xml" (defaults is "html"). |
application/json | { "topics": [TOPICS ARRAY], "dictionaryCode": [STRING], "entryLabel": [STRING], "entryContent": [STRING], "entryUrl": [STRING], "format": [STRING], "entryId": [STRING] }. Topic structure: { "topicId": [STRING], "topicLabel": [STRING], "topicParentId":[STRING], "topicUrl": [STRING] } |
application/json | {'errorCode': "EmptyQuery", "errorMessage": "search term is not specified"} |
GET | httpGetSpelling() |
Getting all suggestions for the given word in JSON
dictCode | string | dictionary code find in dictionaries list |
q | string | the word we are searching for |
entrynumber | int | the number of Did you Mean results [optional, 10 by default, maximum allowed 10] |
application/json | { "dictionaryCode": [STRING], "searchTerm": [STRING], "suggestions": [STRING ARRAY] }. |
GET | httpGetSpellingXml() |
Getting all suggestions for the given word in XML
dictCode | string | dictionary code find in dictionaries list |
q | string | the word we are searching for |
entrynumber | int | the number of Did you Mean results [optional, 10 by default, maximum allowed 10] |
application/xml | <didyoumean> <dictionaryCode>[STRING]</dictionaryCode> <searchTerm>[STRING]</searchTerm> <suggestions>[SUGGESTS ARRAY]</suggestions> </didyoumean>. Suggest structure: <suggestion>[STRING]</suggestion> |
GET | httpGet() |
Getting entry information with content in specified format in JSON.
dictCode | string | dictionary code find in dictionaries list |
entryId | string | entry id can be retrieve in search result, topics entries or word of the day preview |
format | string | can be "html" or "xml" (defaults is "html"). |
application/json | {'errorCode': "InvalidEntryId", "errorMessage": "Entry '[entry ID]' not found."} |
application/json | { "topics": [TOPICS ARRAY], "dictionaryCode": [STRING], "entryLabel": [STRING], "entryContent": [STRING], "entryUrl": [STRING], "format": [STRING], "entryId": [STRING] }. Topic structure: { "topicId": [STRING], "topicLabel": [STRING], "topicParentId":[STRING], "topicUrl": [STRING] } |
GET | httpGetXml() |
Getting entry information with content in specified format in XML.
dictCode | string | dictionary code find in dictionaries list |
entryId | string | entry id can be retrieve in search result, topics entries or word of the day preview |
format | string | can be "html" or "xml" (defaults is "html"). |
application/xml | <error> <errorCode>InvalidEntryId</errorCode> <errorMessage>Entry '[entry ID]' not found.</errorMessage> </error> |
application/xml | <entry> <dictionaryCode>[STRING]</dictionaryCode> <entryContent>[STRING]</entryContent> <entryId>[STRING]</entryId> <entryLabel>[STRING]</entryLabel> <entryUrl>[STRING]</entryUrl> <format>[STRING]</format> <topics>[TOPICS]</topics> </entry>. Topic structure: <topic> <topicId>[STRING]</topicId> <topicLabel>[STRING]</topicLabel> <topicParentId>[STRING]</topicParentId> <topicUrl>[STRING]</topicUrl></topic> |
GET | httpGetNearbyEntries() |
Getting preceding and following entries of current entry in same dictionary in JSON.
dictCode | string | dictionary code find in dictionaries list |
entryId | string | entry id can be retrieve in search result, topics entries or word of the day preview |
entrynumber | int | the number of results preceding/following the given entry [optional, 10 by default, maximum allowed 50] |
application/json | { "dictionaryCode": [STRING], "entryId": [STRING], "nearbyPrecedingEntries": [RESULT ARRAY], "nearbyFollowingEntries": [RESULT ARRAY] }. Result structure: { "entryId": [STRING], "entryLabel": [STRING], "entryUrl": [STRING] } |
GET | httpGetNearbyEntriesXml() |
Getting preceding and following entries of current entry in same dictionary in XML.
dictCode | string | dictionary code find in dictionaries list |
entryId | string | entry id can be retrieve in search result, topics entries or word of the day preview |
entrynumber | int | the number of results preceding/following the given entry [optional, 10 by default, maximum allowed 50] |
application/xml | <entry> <dictionaryCode>[STRING]</dictionaryCode> <entryId>[STRING]</entryId> <nearbyPrecedingEntries>[RESULT ARRAY]</nearbyPrecedingEntries> <nearbyFollowingEntries>[RESULT ARRAY]</nearbyFollowingEntries> </entry>. Result structure: <nearbyEntry> <entryId>[STRING]</entryId> <entryLabel>[STRING]</entryLabel> <entryUrl>[STRING]</entryUrl> </nearbyEntry> |
GET | httpGetPronunciationsXml() |
Getting all pronunciations of the selected entry in XML.
dictCode | string | dictionary code find in dictionaries list |
entryId | string | entry id can be retrieve in search result, topics entries or word of the day preview |
lang | string | filter pronunciations list by language |
format | string | specified pronunciations file format. can be "mp3" or "ogg" (defaults is "mp3"). |
application/xml | <pronunciations> <pronunciation> <dictionaryCode>[STRING]</dictionaryCode> <entryId>[STRING]</entryId> <lang>[STRING]</lang> <url>[STRING]</url> </pronunciation> <pronunciations> |
GET | httpGetPronunciations() |
Getting all pronunciations of the selected entry in JSON.
dictCode | string | dictionary code find in dictionaries list |
entryId | string | entry id can be retrieve in search result, topics entries or word of the day preview |
lang | string | filter pronunciations list by language |
format | string | specified pronunciations file format. can be "mp3" or "ogg" (defaults is "mp3"). |
application/json | [{"dictionaryCode": [STRING], "entryId": [STRING], "lang": [STRING], "url": [STRING]}] |
GET | httpGet() |
Getting full entry for Word of the day in JSON.
dictCode | string | dictionary code find in dictionaries list |
day | string | date representation in ISO 8601 format date (YYYY-MM-DD, optional) |
format | string | can be "html" or "xml" (optional) (defaults is "html") |
application/json | { "dictionaryCode": [STRING], "entryLabel": [STRING], "entryContent": [STRING], "entryUrl": [STRING], "format": [STRING], "entryId": [STRING] }. |
GET | httpGetXml() |
Getting full entry for Word of the day in XML.
dictCode | string | dictionary code find in dictionaries list |
day | string | date representation in ISO 8601 format date (YYYY-MM-DD, optional) |
format | string | can be "html" or "xml" (optional) (defaults is "html") |
application/xml | <entry> <dictionaryCode>[STRING]</dictionaryCode> <entryContent>[STRING]</entryContent> <entryId>[STRING]</entryId> <entryLabel>[STRING]</entryLabel> <entryUrl>[STRING]</entryUrl> <format>[STRING]</format> </entry>. |
GET | httpGetPreview() |
Getting short version for the Word of the day in JSON.
dictCode | string | dictionary code find in dictionaries list |
day | string | date representation in ISO 8601 format date (YYYY-MM-DD, optional) |
application/json | { "dictionaryCode": [STRING], "entryLabel": [STRING], "htmlEntryPreview": [STRING], "textEntryPreview": [STRING], "entryUrl": [STRING], "format": [STRING], "entryId": [STRING] }. |
GET | httpGetPreviewXml() |
Getting short version for the Word of the day in XML.
dictCode | string | dictionary code find in dictionaries list |
day | string | date representation in ISO 8601 format date (YYYY-MM-DD, optional) |
application/xml | <entry> <dictionaryCode>[STRING]</dictionaryCode> <htmlEntryPreview>[STRING]</htmlEntryPreview> <textEntryPreview>[STRING]</textEntryPreview> <entryId>[STRING]</entryId> <entryLabel>[STRING]</entryLabel> <entryUrl>[STRING]</entryUrl> <format>[STRING]</format> </entry>. |
GET | httpGetXmlDoc() |
REST API documentation in XML format.
text/xml |
GET | httpGetHtmlDoc() |
REST API documentation in HTML format.
text/html |
GET | httpGet() |
Getting full entry for Word of the day in JSON.
day | string | date representation in ISO 8601 format date (YYYY-MM-DD, optional) |
format | string | can be "html" or "xml" (optional) (defaults is "html") |
application/json | { "dictionaryCode": [STRING], "entryLabel": [STRING], "entryContent": [STRING], "entryUrl": [STRING], "format": [STRING], "entryId": [STRING] }. |
GET | httpGetXml() |
Getting full entry for Word of the day in XML.
day | string | date representation in ISO 8601 format date (YYYY-MM-DD, optional) |
format | string | can be "html" or "xml" (optional) (defaults is "html") |
application/xml | <entry> <dictionaryCode>[STRING]</dictionaryCode> <entryContent>[STRING]</entryContent> <entryId>[STRING]</entryId> <entryLabel>[STRING]</entryLabel> <entryUrl>[STRING]</entryUrl> <format>[STRING]</format> </entry>. |
GET | httpGetPreview() |
Getting short version for the Word of the day in JSON.
day | string | date representation in ISO 8601 format date (YYYY-MM-DD, optional) |
application/json | { "dictionaryCode": [STRING], "entryLabel": [STRING], "htmlEntryPreview": [STRING], "textEntryPreview": [STRING], "entryUrl": [STRING], "format": [STRING], "entryId": [STRING] }. |
GET | httpGetPreviewXml() |
Getting short version for the Word of the day in XML.
day | string | date representation in ISO 8601 format date (YYYY-MM-DD, optional) |
application/xml | <entry> <dictionaryCode>[STRING]</dictionaryCode> <htmlEntryPreview>[STRING]</htmlEntryPreview> <textEntryPreview>[STRING]</textEntryPreview> <entryId>[STRING]</entryId> <entryLabel>[STRING]</entryLabel> <entryUrl>[STRING]</entryUrl> <format>[STRING]</format> </entry>. |